THRESHOLD STUDY II        15 Inkjet Prints, 2008.

        15 Inkjet Prints, 2008.

In Threshold Study II, the intervention is no longer coincidental. A rock violently burst into the scene and causes the accident: the implosion – an act of breaking inwards-. The quietude and stillness are interrupted and a hole serves to threaten that idyllic landscape. The violent contact between the pebble and the water, brings a new forefront to the image that accentuates the sense of depth and profundity and hence three-dimensionality, and at the same time it breaks the possibility of being so, because it proves the liquid quality of the visible reality. The image freezes an instant that is practically imperceptible to the naked human eye. The impact becomes apparent and coexists with the landscape split seconds before it fades away. The photographic record occurs seconds before the landscape is destroyed or at the same time as a piece of it is stolen. Invariably one single shot; there is no subsequent editing.

En el segundo estudio, la intervención ya no es casual. Una piedra irrumpe violentamente y causa el accidente: la implosión -acción de romperse hacia dentro-. El contacto violento entre la piedra y el agua, introduce un primer plano en la imagen que acrecienta la sensación de profundidad -y por tanto de tridimensionalidad- al mismo tiempo que la niega, ya que evidencia la cualidad líquida – es decir, bidimensional- de la realidad visible.
